As the premier electrical contractor in the Caribbean, LORD understands the demands of emergency work and has ample experience working to satisfy the immediate need of industry and customers while restorative emergency continues on the legacy power infrastructure. To this end, LORD is regularly reaching out to industry equipment providers so we can offer the latest in mobile energy solutions for generation and distribution.
During Hurricane María, the 100% of Puerto Rico's electrical grid was offline. There are a variety of mobile substations that can be transported and configured to become operational in a short amount of time. Another emergency solution is the WorldWater & Solar Technologies mobile solar platform that provides both water and power and can stand as grid-connected, off-grid solar water projects and stand-alone solar infrastructure to pump, purify and desalinate water. To read more about LORD's Hurricane María Emergency Solutions click here.
Emergency solutions are only part of what we do. Every year, LORD gears up for Hurricane Season. Like most citizens, we too, have our emergency supplies and plans ready to go, convinced that somewhere we will be needed.