Reliable and Smart Energy Transmission

Meeting daily load curves, maintaining voltage control and combining differents sources of energy production,  are a few of the challenges grid operators face on a regular basis. Add to this, a rapidly evolving environment, with growing demands for power and threats of natural disasters, the need for high voltage experts is more acute than ever.

Make our strengths yours! The High Voltage Experts at LORD can ensure your next substation and switchgear installation advances the overall resilience and reliability of the grid.


At LORD we have built substations within the context of legacy infrastructure, on greenfields and brownfields, above and below ground.  We have installed with traditional air-insulated and gas-insulated (GIS) substations and installed indoor and outdoor switchgears.


With LORD, you can visualize schedule the substation every step of the way. Using the latest Building Imaging Technology on greenfields, brownfields or legacy environmnets helps our clients save time and money, anticipating and resolving potential problems before they happen.

Evolving Energy Demand

LORD understands the importance of responding swiftly to real-time events,  maintaining power supply uninterrupted. LORD has been front and center integrating grids and installing substation automation equipment to monitor and control capabilities, switch source or isolate a fault if necessary.

Innovation and Safety

LORD knows experts are not born, they are made through ongoing life-long learning, education and experience. Our commitment to ongoing reviews of the industry trends, allows us integrate new technologies and best practices so we can delivery smart solutions safely.

This is what we do

Smart grids and industry experts go hand in hand. 

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Every week, somewhere part of the nation's power grid is struck by a physical or cyber attack.  Redundancy in the grid, diversified power generation capabilities and emergency mobile solutions that be plugged in should all be part of a power management plan.